Learn How To Seduce Hot Chinese Girls

  • Hot Chinese GirlsHot Chinese girls can seem like a mystery to Western guys who haven’t tried dating them before. It’s a fact that hot Chinese girls have a different attitude towards dating, and a unique perspective on relationships. This is not to say that hot Chinese girls are a different species altogether, but their rich cultural heritage does makes them quite distinct in their way of life and behavior. Personally, I think Chinese women can be some of the most amazing of all Asian women, and I’ve dated many — so I have some specific insights into dating hot Chinese girls which I think you’ll find beneficial.

The first thing to keep in mind is that hot Chinese girls are used to guys taking them out on “traditional” dates and trying to impress them by spending money, and trying to talk about their own positive qualities in an attempt to impress her. In reality, she has heard all this before in a good many variations and versions. In this case less is more. The less you try to impress her, the more the Chinese girl will feel curious about you. Try listening to her and getting her to talk about herself. All you need is a small degree of interest. This frames you as a challenge — a guy who is NOT easily impressed — and hot Chinese girls will find this intriguing and different.

You should not try to “date” a Chinese girl in the normal Western way. You’ll probably wind up spending a bunch of money taking her out to a restaurant, and at the end of the night you’ll get a handshake or an awkward kiss on the cheek — and she might never speak to you again.

Basically, this is what she’s used to from guys, and these types of first dates carry with them a lot of awkwardness and expectations. All the other guys who want her have tried this route. Instead, you should set up a first date that is simpler, cheaper and less predictable. Something like just meeting for coffee, no big set up or preparations. She is less prepared and expectant. The atmosphere is less charged, more relaxed and thus more fun without the usual dating expectations.

Every guy tries to get hot Chinese girls out on dates and impress them with a detailed “rap” or speech moves. The truth is, she has heard it all before in many varieties and versions. In this case less is more. Hot Chinese girls are actually impressed when you DON’T go out of your way to try to impress them. Try listening to her and getting her to talk about herself. All you need is a faint degree of interest. This makes you seem very different from all of the other guys who have taken her on dates and tried to win her approval. Be a bit naughty. Throw in unexpected and mischievous remarks to leave her wondering if you just said that. Don’t ever give her the sense that you’re blown away by her looks. Naughty actions and statements leave them wondering more about the kind of guy you are. Being a little bit of a “bad boy” can go a long way with hot Chinese girls.

Don’t forget that hot Chinese girls have a lot of admirers and suitors. Most of these guys are total wusses, which is a turn-off to a Chinese woman. So, she’ll want to test you a little bit to see whether you’re like all the others. Do not just give in to every one of her whims. Sometimes you can playfully yet firmly resist or refuse her.

If she knows that you are admired and wanted by other hot Chinese girls, even better. This is why you shouldn’t focus all of your time and attention on one Chinese girl. Widen out and let them know you are trying to decide and have a lot of admirers. When you carry yourself with this attitude, you’re sure to get results and meet even MORE hot Chinese girls — and you’ll make it seem easy!

Next, realize that Chinese are family bound. If you meet a Chinese lady you would likely notice that family bounds are more respected within them. Becoming friendly with some of her family members is one of the fastest ways to gain a hot Chinese girl’s trust and appreciation. Be interested in her family, make a very good impression on them, and it will surely increase your chances of success.

In Chinese society, honesty is also a quality that is considered highly important. Men of honor never abandon their responsibilities or break their commitments. Prove yourself as a man of honor and strong character — but with a playful “bad boy” edge — and you will be quite attractive to hot Chinese girls.

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